Sunday, April 08, 2007

God is in Control

I think sometimes we forget that. I know that I do. Frankly, there are times of frustration and struggle that I rarely remember it. Unfortunately, most of the time that phrase tends to just remind me of that old, worn out, annoying (however..quite true) Twila Paris song by the same name.

Just a few days ago, a fellow blogging friend of mine wrote an entry about this very subject. A portion of it follows:

When someone lies to you, God is in control. When someone manipulates you, God is in control. No matter what is going on in your life. . . GOD IS IN CONTROL! Today I am disappointed (as I'm sure you can tell). Today I am discouraged. Today I am a child of God struggling to keep my focus on Him as the distractions of the world loom heavy. I am tempted to point fingers and blame. I am tempted to confront with hostility. I am tempted. . .

So, as I sit with my Bible I turn to a familiar passage in Romans:

And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose" Romans 8:28.

I know that God is in control. I know that he is using every second of every day to build me into the person he wants me to be. That doesn't mean it's easy. Maybe I don't know what He is teaching me yet. Maybe I don't always understand His ways. But I do know that God is using it all for good.

It's easy for me in times like now to get discouraged, just like my friend. I wonder why God won't give us a break sometimes. Why can't God stop life from snowballing? How the heck are you supposed to say "Thank you God. I praise you for making life difficult?"

I find myself often driving down the road and wondering why God won't give us a break. Why does it seem so often that trying to do the right thing gets us nothing but crapped on? I don't know, but I wish I did. All I do know is Romans 8:28.

Pray that me, my friend and everyone else who may be struggling can find some peace with time of unrest and disappointment.

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